7-Year-Old Swims for an Hour to Rescue Dad and Sister Stranded in River


A seven-year-old boy is being celebrated as a hero after he swam for an hour to get help for his family when they were stranded in a river.

On Friday, May 28, at the start of Memorial Day weekend, Chase Poust was with his father, Steven, and his four-year-old sister, Abigail, at the St. Johns River near Mandarin Point in Jacksonville, Florida. The family had anchored their boat so Steven could fish while Chase and Abigail swam nearby.

However, the current proved stronger than anticipated, and soon Chase saw Abigail, who was wearing a life jacket, being carried away from the boat.

“The current was so strong that my sister was pulled away. I let go of the boat to grab her, but then I was stuck too,” Chase told WJXT.

Despite not wearing a life jacket, Chase tried to help Abigail. Steven also entered the water to save his daughter but was unable to keep up as she continued to drift.

“I told them I loved them because I wasn’t sure what would happen. I tried to stay with both of them but wore myself out. She drifted away,” Steven recounted to News4Jax.

Determined and frightened, Chase swam towards the shore, switching between doggie paddle and floating on his back to avoid exhaustion. After an hour of battling the current, he reached land and ran to find help.

Steven described the moment, saying, “I screamed for help and waved my arms. Thankfully, someone heard us. Little man made it to shore and got help, which saved our lives.”

An hour later, with the assistance of the Sheriff’s Office and Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Steven and Abigail were rescued a mile from their boat.

Jacksonville Fire and Rescue Department spokesperson Eric Prosswimmer stated, “We mobilized every resource possible quickly and are pleased to report that all three are doing well. It’s a great outcome.”

This harrowing incident underscores the importance of extreme caution on the water. Share this article to spread awareness of the dangers and to commend Chase for his bravery.